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Organization Committee

Organization is the foundation of the entire Main Street program. A strong organizational base with committed funding enables Florence Main Street to enact an effective revitalization program. By partnering with the various and diverse groups in the community to reach consensus on important issues while creating a shared vision for Downtown Florence, the program is consistently strong. This committee is responsible for creatively building a solid financial foundation and keeping the lines of communication open to the public. Through the Organization Committee, the businesses in downtown are actively involved in the development and growth of the Main Street Program. As part of the Four Point Approach to Main Street revitalization, the Organization Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Planning fundraising events (to raise awareness and create long-term sustainable funding for Florence Main Street)

  • Hosting monthly merchant meetings

  • Enhance and maintain Florence Main Street’s website

Florence Main Street’s committees are extremely energetic, organized, creative, and open to new ideas while reviewing old ones. Florence Main Street has many events planned for the next year and will need your fresh ideas and help.If you have an interest or skill in volunteer development or human resources, this committee is for you! We are always looking for new ideas and enthusiastic volunteers. Please contact us!